Back To...Business!
After a very, very long hiatus of exactly 5 months since my last post, I'm glad to say that I'm officially back in business. Just one thing; don't expect daily posts, because firstly, I'll be going to the USA on Friday, for 20 days. If I can blog there, I certainly will. Secondly, school has taken both a physical and mental strain on me and so, I will have other priorities before my blog. Though rest assured, that whatver I write on my blog is ever-frank, and I'm (as you'll find out) a very opinionated person. Haha, just take it. Whatever it is, I'm glad that I was able to re-claim this blog, because I had some technical difficulties trying to get it back just now, which means, new-comers, you can read my very first post, up till now. Have fun!
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