Cool day...
Yesterday was such a cool day. firstly the class was so quiet cos most ppl were out for cbs schools duty, so lit, watch movies, mt, watch movies, bio was THE coolest. our teacher dissected a sheep's heart in class. it was really sick at first, you know, when he came in with a heart (i mean, who comes in with a sheep's heart everyday?),not that the heart was dripping in blood, but it had been treated and refrigerated, so it was only blood coagulation (no, not the map, the condition). at first he was like showing us the external structures, then he was warily donning gloves to dissect it laterally, but gave up. in the end, he ripped of the gloves and used his bare hands to dissect the thing. the thing is, being a mammalian heart, its VERY similar to our own heart, and we actually got to see what it looks like in your heart. and it was amazingly accurate, in line with our textbook. so yeah, then (being the sadistic ppl we are), we set about mutilating the heart, ripping the valves, tearing up the chordae tendineae, sticking our fingers up the aorta, the vena cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein. we really played with that heart. haha. we got some pictures of it, and i have one with my finger stuck up the aorta. it was so cool.
yep, thats my finger right there, up the aorta, i cant remember whos pointing at it. but anyway.
a cool pic too, more detailed (interior of heart)
an even cooler pic, as you can see, theres no blood really
so anyway, yeah, that was very nice. then after that, had EL, went thru exam paper answers, then maths, then we were dismissed early, cos there was mass run yest, all the way at Bedok Reservoir Park. Can you beat that? I fell asleep in the bus! which, for me, is quite an achievement. anyway, 4.25km was so tiring. lol, im unfit, ok? anyway, we had to run the perimeter of the reservoir, which i found out, is quite huge actually. but nvm that, what matters is that i completed the thing in half an hour, which was my intended goal, so yeah i was happy. anyway, tts all for tonight, im exhausted. thnk god next monday is a public holiday, but next tuesday is doomsday; we're getting our marks back. so yeah, it'll be apocalyptic. hope i survive pompeii... cya!
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