Anniversary Parade 2009...
THIS is it. today's the day. today is the 157th AP. which means that i'll be officially stepping down from NCC today. i have to say, im surprised. all i feel is sadness. despite me hating NCC last time, i can't bear to leave it now. honestly. u may be thinking, "yeah right. (and i know why he suddenly likes NCC - cubone)" . but i dun think so. i honestly have grown to love it as my CCA, and i am, and always will be, proud to be a cadet of the corps. NCC has been a part (a major part) of my life for the past 4 years in SJI, and has defined me and made me who i am today (in more ways than one, i suppose). and to leave behind a part of me, such a significant part, is painful. although i definitely do not see myself coming back as a CLT in JC, i no doubt will say i love NCC. as such, i want to dedicate this post to the past near-4 years i have had in NCC, and to everything under it. i want to thank everyone in NCC who has been a part of my life, and i want to thank everything that NCC has given me, from a sense of discipline to how to polish boots. today, i can say that i have never regretted joining NCC, and i have never regretted a single day of it, and never regretted every experience it has given me. what it has given me is transcendent of earthly boundaries, and i can't even begin to enumerate, tangibly or otherwise, how much it has given me. such things are impossible to quantify, but they all qualify. my journey from a Recruit to a 1SG will forever be a part of my soul. thanks be to god. for the last time:
Keluar Baris!
Keluar Baris!
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