Friday, October 13, 2006


Hey all! hows u been? omg todays e 20th day of fasting! thnk god 4 tt! tmr wil b e 3rd wk of fasting, i so cant believe its gone by so fast...this year has whizzed by so fast! anyway, life is so short; you could be alive n kicking today, but tmr u cld be down some terminal disease n makin preps 4 leavin e mortal world... i mean look at Seha, the Malaysian artiste; she passed away on wednesday to lung cancer only at 44yo. tts still so young. im only drawing her example cos i cant think of any1 else. im sure tt there're lots more ppl who've lost themselves so young to diseases. but wat im tryin 2 say is, u never noe when ur lifes gonna end...n tts e scary part. imean imagine if today u were hangin out wif frens n tmr ur diagnosed with stage IV cancer. im sure, for most ppl, their world comes crashing down. if it were me, id definitely feel tt way. like, omg, i don hv much time 2 live. so tts y weve gotta live life 2 e fullest n look ahead, even when e road 4ward is bleak n shrouded in darkness... theres some food 4 thot 2 get those brain cells of urs working...


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