Friday, October 12, 2007

exam results..

omg, i finally got back my exam results. i swear, when they were being given out yesterday, i nearly died. the fearful anticipation of knowing ur marks, the tangible suspense, all contributed to the atmosphere, which i must say, was less than enjoyable. waiting for one result after another was so agonising. i jus wanted everything over and done with asap. but no, we hv to wait for specific timeslots. like it matters anyway, were still gonna get them back arent we? stupidity and mismanagement are so rampant, and they dun make a perfect match either. anyway, here are the results. only got history left, which those slowpokes haven't finished marking. typical.

eng - 82 (A1)
maths - 75 (A1)
sciences - 85 (A1)
higher malay - 65 (B3) [damn...]
geog - 68 (B3) [damn...]
lit - 80 (A1)
hist - ???

ill only find out my hist marks next tues. how annoying...waiting with bated breath. anyway, that makes my class position second, i think, with an average percentage of 75.8%, with an L1B5 of...10. screw. haha. but anyway, im quite happy with them, at least all my efforts paid off. u reap what u sow, right?


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