Tuesday, January 27, 2009



OK so i chionged to finish all my homework today, which meant doing geog, lit and maths all at one go. so sian. i cldnt even be bothered to do the ss. ill do it tmr. its such a headbanger anyway. balanced conclusion. right. we'll see who's unbalanced after that. sigh. anyway, decided to try something new today. well, not exactly new, but something i haven't done too many times. decided to try and compose again. its coming along very, very slowly. usually, its just songwriting, but never composing. tried last time, i gave up. just couldn't get it out. sigh. anyway, i, gonna try and work on it, and see what turns out. aiyah, back to school tomorrow. and wednesday is the most xiong day. triple science, double maths and lit. then thursday got pe, and english presentation. ARGH. thank god friday is a holiday...