Friday, October 12, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri bagi semua umat Islam

Selamat hari raya aidilfitri kpd semua umat Islam di serata dunia. semoga hari raya kamu dicucuri rahmat dan diberkati Allah swt. kpd semua juga, maaf zahir dan batin, mohonkan segala senggeta2 lama, jika terkasar bahasa, ampun maaf dipinta. kpd semua, Minal Aidin Wal Fa'izin!

eve of Raya...

so, today is the eve of raya. still had to go to sch. u know what we did in sch today? well, lets see, first went to the hall, where, trust me, i froze my posterior off. why? well, there was to be our ACE camp (adventure camp) preps, and seriously, they were a waste of time. that idiot kenneth khoo kept shouting his head off at us, going ''OI!!!" every 5 seconds. sheesh, isnt tt just annoying? i jus wanted to slap him. i hate teachers who are (prigs) SO self-righteous, as if every single student owed them a living. anyway, filled up white forms (our camp's in Kluang), created customised ID tags, you know, that was all we did from, um, 8am till, 11.30. with half an hour of recess, during which i played piano for a while. luckily, not many ppl ard to listen to my playing. jus two of my frens. anyway, we were supposed to get back our hist marks today, but no, it's still not ready. the only reason i came to sch today was to get my hist marks, and to finalise everything. but no, none of that. if i'd known, i wldnt hv come at all! what a waste of my life! when i cld hv been at home sleeping. at first, we didn't know muslim boys cld go home slightly earlier, ard 11.30. so my friends and me were grumbling, and complaining, as usual. haha. but then, they suddenly told us that muslim, oh u can go now. and i was like, ok cool. i waited for my frens, then left asap. whoo hoo.

exam results..

omg, i finally got back my exam results. i swear, when they were being given out yesterday, i nearly died. the fearful anticipation of knowing ur marks, the tangible suspense, all contributed to the atmosphere, which i must say, was less than enjoyable. waiting for one result after another was so agonising. i jus wanted everything over and done with asap. but no, we hv to wait for specific timeslots. like it matters anyway, were still gonna get them back arent we? stupidity and mismanagement are so rampant, and they dun make a perfect match either. anyway, here are the results. only got history left, which those slowpokes haven't finished marking. typical.

eng - 82 (A1)
maths - 75 (A1)
sciences - 85 (A1)
higher malay - 65 (B3) [damn...]
geog - 68 (B3) [damn...]
lit - 80 (A1)
hist - ???

ill only find out my hist marks next tues. how annoying...waiting with bated breath. anyway, that makes my class position second, i think, with an average percentage of 75.8%, with an L1B5 of...10. screw. haha. but anyway, im quite happy with them, at least all my efforts paid off. u reap what u sow, right?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

marking days holiday next week..

thank god there's gonna be 2 marking days next week, on tuesday and wednesday. on tuesday, going to a friend's house to settle my class's end-of-year gathering. chalet. wow, original. haha. this is what u gotta do when you're class chairman. this responsibility thing is getting to me, as much as i like it, though. but heck, who cares? i love saying that. lol. i don't think i'm going anywhere on wednesday. gonna slack boringly at home again. omg, i'm gonna get back my results back on thursday. im fricking scared. that i failed every thing. or what if i don't get into a top class? or even a triple-science class? ah well, no use saying all that now. you reap what you sow.

preps for hari raya...

god, i haven't made any preparations for raya at all. no new clothes, no kueh (soon though, they're being baked as i write). it's like, in 6 days, and i'm like, so relaxed. i mean, we haven't even made ketupat. can u beat that? my room is still in a mess, haha. i haven't bothered cleaning it up. who cares? plenty of time, right? i am such a typical teen.


guess what? today's the 25th day of puasa. i can't believe it. i barely felt it going by this year. haha. cool. but i did feel really exhausted during my schooling time, much more so than ever. ah well, getting older eh? no chance. haha. you wish. i can't believe that hari raya is in 6 days!!! i just gotta struggle through my 3-day week tomorrow, then it's raya! finally, can eat and drink like normal again. go visiting, collect money. no lah, just joking. but not the food & drink part though. omg, today is just stretching...i can't believe it's only 1. still another six hours before buka puasa (break fast).


so, since my exams are over, what have i been doing? nothing, absolutely nothing. i've been slacking the house, reading, sleeping, irritating everyone as i always do. my fave hobby haha. singing to my fave songs, letting out stress. hey, what can i say? i'm finally free, after 2 years. at least, for a while. anyway, just 2 days of slacking, and i'm getting bored already. imagine, about 3 months more of slacking...XD god knows what i'll do. i tried playing computer. gave up. tried playing xbox. gave up too. haha. i can't do anything fun since i'm fasting. no running, no playing, no cycling, no exercise. so sian...


Hi..i know its been ages since i last wrote in, to be exact, 4 months, but yeah, i've been really busy. mostly with school. maybe with personal matters. whatever. still, it's a relief to be writing again. so, what's been up these past 4 months? well, let's see, i've actually finished my final-year-exams, yeah that's basically it. pathetic, huh? yeah well, that's my life, mundane, boring, monotonous. so i've been told. so anyway, my exams just ended on friday, 5th october. after that, me and a few of my friends (11 people in all...a few...right) went to orchard road to hang out and just chill. we went to watch balls of fury. ok, i guess it made sense to watch a mindless, frivolous movie after exams. rather mediocre, with several funny moments, with numerous crude connotations. what can i say, it's eponymous, haha. i'll leave that to you to interpret it as u want. but anyway, walking down orchard road, we got stalked by this mentally unstable guy, and we all ran like we were being chased by death itself. i swear, i've never seen us all run that fast. when we look back, it's so hilarious. add to that, i was fasting. by the time we'd escaped, i was heaving with stitches. haha. i had so much fun. u go guys! 206!!!!!!